ECHA Adds Triphenyl Phosphate to SVHC Candidate List, Total Reaches 242

Nov. 13th, 2024

On November 7, 2024, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) confirmed the addition of triphenyl phosphate to its Candidate List of substances of very high concern (SVHC), bringing the total to 242 entries. The list, which may include groups of chemicals, affects an even larger number of substances overall. See the Candidate List here.

Triphenyl phosphate, known for its endocrine-disrupting properties, is commonly used as a flame retardant and plasticizer in products such as polymer formulations, adhesives, and sealants. This addition could lead to future placement on the Authorisation List, requiring companies to seek authorization to continue using it.

Substance name EC No. CAS No. Reason for inclusion Example of use
Triphenyl Phosphate 204-112-2 115-86-6 Endocrine disrupting properties (Article 57(f) – environment) This substance is used as a flame retardant and plasticizer in polymer formulations, adhesives, and sealants.

Authorisation List

List of substances included in Annex XIV of REACH (“Authorisation List”).

Companies that want to continue using a substance included in the Authorisation List after the sunset date need to prepare an application for authorisation, submit it before the latest application date and have a positive authorisation decision by the European Commission. The latest application date and the sunset date are specified in the Authorisation List.

Please be reminded that this list is provided for information purposes only. Only the text of Annex XIV as published in the Official Journal of the EU is authentic and produces legal effects. See the Authorisation List here.

Compliance Requirements for Companies

Companies dealing with articles containing over 0.1% of SVHC must comply with EU REACH regulations. This includes:

  • Providing safety data sheets (SDS) to downstream users.
  • Supplying safe-use instructions to recipients.
  • Submitting notifications to ECHA within six months of a substance’s inclusion in the Candidate List.

Under the Waste Framework Directive, articles with more than 0.1% of SVHC must be reported to ECHA’s SCIP database. Additionally, products containing SVHCs are disqualified from receiving the EU Ecolabel.

How REACH24H Can Help

REACH24H offers comprehensive regulatory support to ensure your compliance with SVHC requirements. Our services include SVHC notification assistance, guidance on REACH obligations, and streamlined reporting to the SCIP database. Partnering with us simplifies complex regulatory processes, allowing your business to stay compliant and informed. If you need any assistance, please contact us at