China Plans to Apply Hazchem QR Codes Extensively

May. 17th, 2022

Hazardous Chemical Safety Information QR Codes

China’s new Hazardous Chemical Registration Comprehensive Service System was launched on February 16, 2022, which supports the automatic generation of QR codes (called “hazardous chemical safety information codes”) for registered hazardous chemicals. (China Hazardous Chemical Registration)

Following the “One enterprise, one chemical product, and one QR code” principle, hazardous chemical management based on QR code was previously expected to be fully implemented in China this year. However, it appears that the plan is overly ambitious given the difficulties in resuming production and supply chain paralysis due to COVID curbs, the lack of legislative support, etc.

An official who wished to remain anonymous told ChemLinked that “the authority is planning to expand the Guangdong pilot project to an even larger-scale program in the latter half of the year, to involve more cities.” The Guangdong pilot project, starting from October 1, 2021, mandated QR codes displayed on labels, packaging, containers, and vehicles before hazardous chemicals leave the factory or warehouse in Guangdong, has delivered promising results. The official hoped the expanded pilots could pave the way for universal implementation nationwide in the coming years.

hazchem QR code


Deadline for Information Supplementation Is Drawing Near

In the first half-year of 2022, the authority will be more focused on information supplementation in the new system. There are more entries regarding information about the enterprise and chemicals that have to be filled out in the new system. To name a few, the identification number (passport number) of the legal person of the enterprise, hazard identification and classification report, dangerous goods classes, and storage methods and storage locations of chemicals.

In recent months, the local registration offices of different provinces are urging enterprises that have registered hazardous chemicals in the old system, to supplement such information. Besides, deadlines are set respectively. For example, Jiangsu requires information supplementation to be finished by April. While for Zhejiang, the deadline is the middle of May.

Since the QR code cannot be generated unless the registration information is completed, information supplementation in the new system is a necessary step to enable the smooth roll-out of the QR code policy. Although no penalty is imposed if failing to supplement the information in time currently, enterprises are highly recommended to respond to the call from local registration offices.


More Regulations on the Way

“The authority is actively engaged with promoting legislation at the national level.” said the official. “However, it still needs time to finalize the supporting documents.” GB 15258-2009 General Rules for Preparation of Precautionary Label for Chemicals is planned to be revised to incorporate QR code requirements within this year. The Regulations on the Administration of Hazardous Chemical Safety Information Codes (Trial), which was drafted late last year for comments in limited groups, may not come out this year. As for the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safety of Hazardous Chemicals (Draft), which establishes a hazardous chemicals information management system, and implements electronic identification and whole life cycle information management of hazardous chemicals, it is ready for the first reading at the NPC Standing Committee (2022 Legislative Work Plan of the NPC Standing Committee). Three readings need to be passed, so we predict that it will not come out very soon.


Reprinted from: ChemLinked

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Reference Links

Webinar | Hazardous Chemical Registration System Upgrade and “One Enterprise, One Chemical Product, and One QR Code” Application

New Hazchem Registration Online System to be Implemented Nationwide in 2022