China MEP promulgated Order 22 “Measures for the Environmental Management Registration of Hazardous Chemicals”

Oct. 25th, 2012

The trial measures are formulated in line with the State Council Decree No.591 (Regulations on the Control over safety of Hazardous Chemicals), which brought about a complex regulatory network consisting of more than ten departments or ministries such as Ministry of Industry and Information Technology(MIIT), State Administration of Work Safety(SAWS) and the Ministry of Environmental Protection(MEP).

The Trial measure shares some legislative content in common with the “Measures for the Administration of Hazardous Chemical Registration (SAWS Order No 53), which has come in to force on August 1st, 2012, and both measures are regarded as the supporting measure under the Decree 591. However, more emphasis on emission (hazard exposure) and migrating reporting system for hazardous chemicals of high concern has been drawn up in the trial measures.

The measures stipulated that manufacturers and the users of the hazardous chemicals, which were listed in the C&L Inventory, shall submit the application and dossiers of environmental management registration to their local environmental protection authorities. Information of the dossier shall be submitted as follows:
Application form of environmental management registration on hazardous chemical, which summarize general information about the applicant, such as the company, sensitive area where the company located, category, amount, classification, purpose, use pattern of the hazardous chemical, SDS, risk prevention measures, emission about the typical pollutants;
Approval document of the environmental Impact Assessment (EIA);
Contingency plans for emergency;
Environmental monitoring report, both the report generated by the applicant or the qualified environmental monitoring agency

Registration certification for environmental management of HC will be issued to the applicants if the submission were successful. Similar to the practice in hazardous chemical registration, which was implemented by NRCC-SAWS, the certification for environmental management has a validation period of 3 years. New constructing, rebuilding and expansions of the HC manufacturing or using projects shall apply for the certification prior to their completion. The registered manufacturers and users shall release the annual report to the public every January, and the annual report shall contain the information of the category, hazardous properties, pollutant emissions, pollutant discharges, incidents, pollutant control measures of their HC relevant operations.

MEP will formulate the “Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals of High Environmental Concern” (HCHEC) based on the hazard properties and environmental risk levels of the hazardous chemicals. If the hazardous chemicals were included in the HCHEC list, the manufacturers and the users shall additionally entrust competent agencies to compose an Environmental risk assessment (ERA) report, and the ERA conducting agencies will be responsible for their reporting results. Furthermore, the HCHEC registrants shall further report to the authorities annually about the emission, migration and monitoring result of particular pollutants, as well as their control measures on the pollutants and environmental risk.

Importers/exporters of the HCs included in the “List of Toxic Chemicals Severely Restricted for Import and Export in China (2012)”shall apply the environmental management registration on HCs as well. In addition to the application form of the import/export registration, the certification of environmental management issued to the manufacturer/user shall be submitted to environmental protection authorities.

If the company were caught of producing/using the HCs without the registration certification or other illegal activities, fines ranging from 10,000 Yuan to 50, 000 Yuan or other criminal responsibilities would be imposed.


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