China to Add 59 Items to List of Dangerous Goods

Mar. 31st, 2023

59 items (i.e., UN0510 ~ UN0513, UN3496 ~ UN3550) are proposed to be added to the List of dangerous goods.

China’s National Public Service Platform for Standards Information issued a notice on March 1, 2023, seeking public comments on draft revisions to two national mandatory standards, including:

These two standards were first released in 2005 and revised in 2012. They help standardize the system for dangerous goods transportation, storage, distribution, and other related activities in China. To align with the UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods – Model Regulations (Rev. 22), the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria (Rev. 7), and other relevant regulations and technical standards in China, the authority drafted the revisions to solicit public feedback. The period for comments will end on May 8, 2023. Once adopted, the revised standards are expected to take effect 12 months after publication and replace their 2012 versions.

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