2015 Global Regulatory Highlights – Taiwan Chemical Regulations

Jan. 14th, 2016

The year 2015 witnessed new changes to the chemical substance management in Taiwan, with amendments made to the Toxic Chemical Substances Control Act (TCSCA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). On 11 December, 2014, Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) put into force the Regulation of New and Existing Chemical Substances Registration authorized by Article 7-1 of the TCSCA. On 1 January, 2015, Taiwan’s Ministry of Labor (MOL) put into force the Regulation of New Chemical Substances Registration based on Article 13 of the OSHA. To facilitate a good enforcement of these regulations, competent authorities in Taiwan took several moves to support the implementation of these regulations by releasing the updated Taiwan Existing Chemical Substance Inventory (TCSI) and the online submission system as well as launching the Phase I Registration.

At such a time of bidding farewell to the past while ushering in the new, REACH24H Consulting Group helps you connect the dots to grasp the highlights, well positioned to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of key developments of Taiwan Chemical Regulations in 2015.

The fact that chemical substances manufactured or imported in Taiwan are regulated by two different legislations brings daunting challenges to companies seeking for regulatory compliance there. Competent authorities in Taiwan have taken a series of measures to reduce difficulties in companies’ compliance efforts. REACH24H Consulting Group suggest that companies pay due attention to the Phase I Existing Chemical Substance Registration, the half-year grace period for which is to be expired soon on 31 March, 2016.

Further Readings:

2015 Global Regulatory Highlights – EU REACH

2015 Global Regulatory Highlights – Global GHS

2015 Global Regulatory Highlights – China Chemical Regulations

2015 Global Regulatory Highlights – South Korea Chemical Regulations

2015 Global Regulatory Highlights – Japan Chemical Regulations

The year of 2015 saw a series of major regulatory changes, bringing both challenges and opportunities to the chemical industry. To tease out the key updates in Asia Pacific’s regulatory regime throughout the past year, ChemLinked has dedicated to prepare you an annual report “2015 Chemical Regulatory Review of the Asia Pacific Region”.