China Pilots Quality Certificate System of Agricultural Products

Dec. 18th, 2019

On 18 Dec 2019, the Chinese Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Affairs issued the “Plan for the Trial Implementation of Quality Certificate of Agricultural Products Nationwide”, aimed to promote safety and correctly use of pesticides, veterinary drugs and other agricultural inputs. Indigenous growers and farmer above designated size need to issue the quality certificate prior to placing their agricultural products on the market.

The measures will be applicable to agricultural production enterprises, farmer cooperatives and family farms of fruits, vegetables, livestock, poultry eggs and breeding aquatic products and small individual farmers are encouraged to participate. The certificate will be issued in a specified format, stating the name and quantity of the commodity, place of production, producer’s name and contact information, as well as the compliance statement including:

  • The product was produced without using prohibited pesticides/veterinary drugs;
  • The product was produced without using prohibited additives;
  • The product was produced in conformity with safety interval of pesticide/veterinary drug;
  • The product fall in line with national standards on pesticide/veterinary drug MRLs;

Some Chinese provinces have adopted similar measures some years ago. During the trial program, localized implementing details will be formulated by 10 Jan 2019 and carried out accordingly. The Ministry will collect feedbacks from provincial departments by 15 May, 15 Aug and 15 Dec and further refinement will be expected.