REACH24H’s 15th CRAC Returns in November 2023 to Unleash Synergy and Navigate Uncertainty

Aug. 08th, 2023

15th Chemical Regulatory Annual Conference (CRAC)

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HANGZHOU, 8 August 2023 – REACH24H is pleased to announce that it will be hosting the 15th Chemical Regulatory Annual Conference (CRAC) in an offline format on November 16-17, 2023. After three years of virtual conferences, we are excited to have the opportunity to bring industry experts and companies together in person to exchange ideas and discuss regulatory changes and market trends in industrial chemicals, pesticides, and recycled plastics sectors.

“For the past 14 years, CRAC has not only been a key event for REACH24H, but also a significant chance for the whole industries to gather around, think together, and break barriers together,” said Cassie Li, deputy general manager of REACH24H Consulting Group.

REACH24H has an over 14-year history of supporting industries with our compliance services. We have been instrumental in bringing the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) to China for the first time in 2009, providing industries with a chance for comprehensive face-to-face exchanges on trade barriers and market changes.

Speakers from Previous CRACs

Speakers from Previous CRACs

CRAC 2018 Offline Sessions

What’s in CRAC?

  • Cutting-edge insights: Gain valuable knowledge about the latest trends and advancements from industry experts and researchers.
  • Regulatory updates: Stay informed about the specific regulations governing chemicals, pesticides, recycled plastics, etc., in key trading regions.
  • Best practices and strategies: Learn successful approaches for effectively utilizing substances and products, ensuring quality, safety, and sustainability.
  • Networking opportunities: Connect with professionals, researchers, and stakeholders to build collaborations and explore business prospects.
  • Global market intelligence: Understand market trends, consumer preferences, and growth opportunities across different regions.
  • Collaboration and resources: Engage with experts, access resources, and forge partnerships to foster innovation and drive sustainability efforts.

CRAC 2023: Together We Break Barriers

This year, we are excited to offer a two-day in-person conference to facilitate deep discussions on specific hot issues in the industries from November 16 to 17, 2023, in Shanghai, China.

Sessions Global Chemical Management and Sustainable Development Global Pesticide Registration and Market Trends
November 16 Global Chemical Management and Sustainable Development Global Pesticide Registration Management

Welcome Reception

November 17 Hazardous Chemicals Management and Informatization Practices Pesticide Market Trends and Landscape
Global Insights on Recycled Plastics

Industry Upward: Global Chemical Management and Sustainable Development

Nov 16-17, 2023    Xijiao State Guest Hotel, SHANGHAI CHINA

Global Chemical Regulatory Compliance
  • MEE Order No.12
  • Chemical Registration Updates in China’s Taiwan
  •  EU/South Korea/India Management Changes
  • Other REACH-Like Regulatory Updates
Carbon Neutrality and Sustainability
  • Green Chemicals
  • Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
  • China Certified Emission Reduction (CCER)
  • “Dual-Carbon” Policy and Low-Carbon Business Transformation
Hazardous Chemicals Management
  • Customs Clearance Policies in China
  • Dangerous Good Transportation in China, the EU and US
  • Lithium Battery Compliance
  • “One Enterprise, One Product, One QR Code” Policy
  • Informatized Chemical Lifecycle Management (and for Laboratory Reagents, Hazardous Waste)
Parallel Session: Recycled Plastics
  • Plastic Pollution Control Policies in China
  • Regulations in the EU and US
  • Testing, Modification, and Application
  • Developing Recycled Plastics Project within the Company 

As the “dual carbon” policy gets enriched by the Chinese national government and local administrations in these years, sustainability has become a promising blueprint and a challenge for those seeking to enter and succeed in the Chinese market. In addition, with the development of digitalization and informatization, the management of hazardous chemicals has also evolved in both theory and practice, posing new perspectives and opportunities for companies.

At CRAC 2023, we will be addressing not only the anticipated updates in chemical regulations worldwide but also several related sectors to broaden the industry’s horizons. Our goal is to engage in meaningful discussions on topics that are truly important and valuable, with the aim of helping the industry break free from conventional thinking and drive innovative changes to adapt to these evolving times.

Parallel Session: Global Insights on Recycled Plastics

The increasing demand for sustainable practices and the global push towards reducing plastic waste have propelled the movement for plastic restrictions and the implementation of regulations related to recycled plastics. This shift has gained significant momentum worldwide. Particularly, the safety assessment and compliance standards for recycled plastics used in food contact applications have become a focal point of attention.

At CRAC 2023, attendees will have the opportunity to gain insights into the specific regulatory requirements, compliance standards, and market trends in China, the EU, the US, and other relevant markets. Experts and industry professionals will share their experiences and strategies for navigating the regulatory landscape, ensuring compliance, and meeting the growing demand for sustainable materials.

Pesticide Industry Outlook: Global Pesticide Registration and Market Trends

Nov 16-17, 2023    Xijiao State Guest Hotel, SHANGHAI CHINA

Pesticide Management in China
  • New Pesticide Registration Policies
  • Development, Import, and Export Status
  • Innovative Compounds Registration


Global Pesticide Management
  • Data Compensation in US EPA Registration
  • Global Data Development Strategies
  • EU Plant Protection Products and Pesticide Regulations
  • Control of Impurities in Novel and Generic Pesticides
Pesticide Industry Development
  • Industry Changes in China
  • Strategies and Sales Model
  • Innovative Compounds
  • Innovative Development and Collaboration

Over the past few years, the pesticide industry has faced significant challenges as certain substances have been restricted or banned due to safety concerns and environmental risks in major trading regions, making it more important than ever for the industry to find innovative ways to adapt and succeed. As policies and updates are constantly testing companies’ resilience, it is crucial for the industry to find a way out of this dilemma.

The pesticide session at CRAC 2023 will focus on China’s newly revised management measures for pesticide registration, as well as the U.S. EPA pesticide registration, and EU plant protection products and pesticide regulatory updates and changes. In addition, the session will feature a half-day dedicated to market trends, with discussions on innovative compounds, industry development, and collaboration to help companies make informed decisions and stay ahead of the curve.

Registration and Participation

Register Now

  • The above fees include conference registration, materials, lunch, dinner, and refreshments during the conference, but do not include travel expenses.
  • Groups of five or more participants receive a 20% discount on registration.

Since its inception in 2009, CRACs have accumulated valuable resources and expertise, and we are committed to providing an even better experience for all participants this year with CRAC 2023. We look forward to welcoming you to our offline conference and fostering deeper communication and collaboration in these industries.

Join us at CRAC 2023, and let’s continue to break down barriers and drive progress in the industry together!

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If you have any questions regarding CRAC, please feel free to contact the CRAC Organizing Committee via

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