REACH24H signs Cooperation Agreement with Europe’s Helsinki Chemicals Forum to hold 2020-2021 Asia Joint Forum

Jan. 21st, 2020

BRUSSELS, BELGIUM – December 31, 2019 – REACH24H and Helsinki Chemicals Forum (HCF), a renowned European forum in the field of chemical safety, have signed a cooperation agreement which will bring both parties together to hold the 2020 and 2021 Joint Asia-HCF/CRAC Forum.

Helsinki Chemicals Forum is an independent forum aimed at promoting chemicals safety and chemicals management globally. It has been holding high-profile conferences annually in Helsinki, Finland, gatherings specialists from about 40 different to discuss the most pressing issues in the global chemical agenda. This common focus by both HCF and REACH24H on chemical safety management, as well as both sides’ high level of awareness of the increasing role of Asia in the field of chemicals and their international conferences brought them together for this common project.

The cooperation agreement will aim for REACH24H and HCF to work as strategic partners in Asia to bring about a high-profile joint Asia conference which will feature sessions both from HCF Annual Forum, a high-profile conference held in the city of Helsinki every year, as well as REACH24H’ Chemical Regulatory Annual Conference (CRAC), which just last 2019 successfully held its 11th edition in the city of Xi’An, China.

Mr. Geert Dancet was the first elected Executive Director of the European Chemicals (ECHA) after which he was part of the efforts that brought HCF to being a conference of reference in the region. In addition to supporting the Joint Asia-HCF/CRAC Forum, Mr. Dancet will lead the HCF 2020 Conference in Helsinki, scheduled 4-5 June 2020, where REACH24H will offer its support as partner. Ms. Cassie Li, head of Overseas Operation for REACH24H will work along with Mr.Dancet in the joint Asia Forum, set to be held in the emerging technology hub city of Hangzhou, China, with the specific venue and programme to be released soon.

Both parties have shown great excitement on the potential this strategic partnership and joint conference will bring to the chemical industry, the development potential of the Asian region and cooperation and knowledge-exchange efforts between Europe and Asia in chemical safety issues.