REACH24H invited to 2020 ICMAD Cosmetic Technical/Regulatory Forum with Two Topics on

Feb. 16th, 2020

February 18, 2020. The ICMAD Cosmetic Technical/Regulatory Forum is a practical, business-oriented conference hosted by ICMAD, an independent cosmetics manufacturers and distributors. This Forum was established in 2005 by ICMAD technology, regulations and legislation Committee to provide a more pragmatic and commercial activities for the ICMAD and FDA cosmetics regulatory symposium.

This year’s conference will be held in Manhattan Beach, California, where REACH24H USA Inc. General Manager, Robert Kiefer and Regulatory & Technical Director, Shannon Gainey will join in the forum as sponsor representation of the company. Meanwhile, company booth can be found at forum site. The two-day conference will delve into topics that could have major business implications in the future, as well as current trends in the cosmetics industry. This time, Mr.Kiefer will not only lead a discussion on Chinese cosmetics regulatory updates, but also present the latest on cosmetics regulations in the whole Asia-pacific region.







Session 8

China Update

Robert Kiefer



Session 12

ASEAN, Japan, Taiwan,  Korea Update

Robert Kiefer

The 2020 ICMAD Forum is also expected to touch on some topics of great concern, such as sunscreen monographs and the re-emergence of another Federal Bill on cosmetics safety, which are critical to small and medium-sized businesses predicting business trends.

For more information on the ICMAD Cosmetic Technical/Regulatory Forum 2020, please check out the official website.