REACH24H Chinese Chemical Regulatory Compliance Succeeded in Cleveland

Oct. 24th, 2014

Cleveland, Ohio, U.S. Sep 26, 2014

Sep.26, 2014 – A seminar hosted by REACH24H on Chinese Chemical Regulatory Compliance in Cleveland, U.S., come to a successful close. China New Chemical Substance expert Jason Chan, Joyce Chen, GHS expert Bella Zheng and Jane Zhou from REACH24H were presented to deliver the detailed explanation of major chemical regulations, including China New chemical substance notification, China GHS implementation, GHS in Asian countries, China hazardous chemical registration etc.

After the introduction of an overview of Chinese Chemical Industry and Regulatory Framework by CR expert Jason Chan, Ms. Joyce Chen, a core member of Chinese new chemical substance notification technical team, provided the most specific information about and shared her years of experience over hundreds of China NCSN cases for better preparation of compliance effort for oversea companies.

GHS consultant Bella Zheng explained the topic of China GHS implementation and compliance and hazardous chemical registration in China. She demonstrated the latest update of national standards under China GHS, and explained the specific requirements on the SDS and Label in China. She stressed that Chinese 28 classification national standards will be formally implemented since November of 2014 and replace the previous 26 classification national standards. Enterprises should be faced with SDS and label issues for the purpose of import or hazchem registration.

Then, Jane from chemlinked introduced GHS implementation status in Asian countries. Her wonderful speech created a lively atmosphere which was spoken highly by the attendees.

China is the United States’ third-largest export market. In recent years China’s chemical regulatory framework has undergone great changes. The complexities of various chemical management regulations in China pose major regulatory and trade barriers for foreign companies. To alleviate these issues REACH24H hosted ‘Chinese Chemical Regulatory Compliance Seminar 2014.’ As China’s foremost regulatory compliance service provider REACH24H USA Seminar offered an opportunity to aid those enterprises the most up-to-date regulatory compliance information.