REACH24H Chemical Regulatory Annual Symposium 2014 Draws to a Successful Close in Shanghai

Oct. 24th, 2014

Shanghai, China, 14 Oct 2014

On Oct 14th 2014, REACH24H successfully hosted “Chinese Chemical Regulatory Annual Symposium” in Shanghai, China. In helping remove chemical regulatory barriers for companies from both China and abroad, we have been deeply aware since long ago that in the work of chemical regulatory compliance there basically exist numerous multi-layer conundrums facing the affected parties, normally owing to the regulation itself and those technical difficulties involved. The lack of communication, particularly in-depth talk, with officials from competent authority and experts from laboratory has added to the already shaky compliance prospect.

Hence, with a hope to help companies adequately voice their current unfavorable situations and in order to facilitate the implementation and popularization of chemical regulations to industry sectors, REACH24H gathered officials from NRCC, MEP-SCC, leading technical experts from China’s top toxicological, eco-toxicological and more than 50 EHS managers from leading domestic and foreign chemical companies.

This symposium saw renowned guest speakers present insights on “Data Requirements on Hazardous Chemical Registration in China”, “Life Cycle Supervision and Legal Risk Management of Hazardous Chemicals”, “Toxicological, Eco-toxicological and Physico-chemical Testing Methods under China New Chemical Substance Notification”, “How to Compile the Risk Assessment Report?” and so on.

Jim Wei, CEO and Founder of REACH24H Consulting Group China delivered a welcome speech, and stated that such symposium will be held normally in the next few years.

Mr. Jinhe Chen    NRCC

Mr. Jiliang Xu    Shanghai Chemical Registration Office

Ms. Ling Lu   MEP-SCC

Ms. Songmei Hou    Shenyang Research Institute of Chemical Industry

Mr. Yongbiao Guan      Academy of Military Medical Sciences

Mr. Jining Liu     Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences, MEP

Mr. Zaipeng Yang   Beijing Chemical Industry Research Institute

Ms. Army Li    Huntsman

This symposium is serving as unique channel for technical experts from laboratory, officials from chemical registration center and EHS managers from the world’s leading chemical companies to discuss bumpy circumstances concerning substances needing further scrutiny and to share plans of solution to guarantee efficient and cost-effective compliance.