REACH24H Attends ICMAD Panel Session on Cosmoprof Bologna

Apr. 07th, 2017

REACH24H was invited to be the spearker in the panel which was hold by ICMAD (Independent Cosmetic Manufacturers and Distributors). It was organized for beauty companies that are wanting to keep up to date with the latest regulatory matters for key geographic regions: China, EU and US at Cosmoprof Bologna on March 18th 2017.

REACH24H Attends ICMAD Panel Session on Cosmoprof Bologna

Mrs. Pam Busiek, the president of ICMAD and also the host of this panel, gave a attractive opening speech. The speakers are leading experts focus on different regions. Dr. Fred Lebreux, Chief Operating Officer of BIORIUS, talked about the changes and challenges brought by Brexit. Mrs. Sharon A. Blinkoff, the Counsel of Locke Lord LLP, have given an overview on the regulatory updates in US, especially about the difference between cosmetics and OTC. Miss. Vian Fang, the Head of Business Development from Cosmetic Division introduced the changes and trends on cosmetic safety standard, management methods and related trade policy in China. She also gave a speech on the updates of China cosmetic regulations.

The panel session has mentioned the three major markets of global cosmeitcs industry. As a small episode of COSMOPROF, the world’s leading beauty exhibition, it offered a good opportunity for beauty companies to understand wolrdwide regulation compliance and follow future trends. Attendees showed strong interest which led to a heated discussion. REACH24H CONSULTING GROUP is committed to providing global cosmetic compliance services, not only helping overseas brands to enter Chinese market, but also building regulatory bridges for domestic brands forwarding international market.