REACH24H Attends and Presents at GlobalChem 2016 as Sponsor and Exhibitor in Fifth Straight Year

Mar. 31st, 2016

On 22-24 March, the much expected GlobalChem 2016 Conference and Exhibition was successfully held in Washinton D.C. REACH24H Consulting Group, as the sole sponsor from Asia Pacific, patronized the annual event in the fifth consecutive year. Robert Kiefer, General Manager of REACH24H USA Inc, presented the topic of “China Chemical Regulatory Outlook 2016” at the conference, applauded by many as quite informative.

Co-organized by American Chemistry Council (ACC), Society of Chemcial Manufacturers and Affiliates (SOCMA), GlobalChem 2016 is one of the industry’s leading events. It has been the premier chemical regulations conference for over two decades. The event this year gathered over 300 chemical industry professionals to review key developments in the global chemicals management arena while looking ahead to some of the most pressing issues in the upcoming year.

At the conference, much attention was paid to the U.S. Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), particularly on topics of TSCA reform, CDR 2016 submission and TSCA new chemicals review etc. Mr. Greg Schweer, Chief of the New Chemicals Management Branch, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), briefed the audience on the current status of TSCA Inventory: there are over 22,000 new chemicals added to the inventory since 1979; there are more than 84,000 chemicals on the inventory now, 19% of which are listed in the confidential inventory. The audience was also reminded that the new ePMN rule had come into effect since 1 January, 2016, which requires persons to register with CDX to access the new software and to submit Bona Fides electronically. Apart from TSCA, other topics including GHS and REACH2018 have also been elaborated on.

During the three-day conference, our exhibition area was visited by old clients, representatives from companies facing regulatory issues in Asia Pacific, and organizations seeking cooperation opportunities. As China’s foremost regulatory compliance service provide, REACH24H are well-positioned to provide specialized services to assist our clients in navigating the complex regulatory mazes across the globe.