REACH24H Consulting Group (hereinafter referred to as the “REACH24H”) recently received the final letter from U.S. Food & Drug Adminis…
China International Vehicle Interior Summit 2017 October 19-20, 2017 · Shanghai, China In 2016, the Chinese Ministry of Environment Protection release…
On 11 Aug 2017, the UK competent authority, Chemical Regulation Directorate, Health and Safety Executive (HSE) concluded that a new source of fluroxy…
From today (4th July), Chemlinked Food Portal will celebrate its 3rd anniversary and the celebration will last in the whole July. Chemlinked Food Port…
On June 26, Mr. Geert Dancet the Executive Director of ECHA, Petteri Mäkelä, the International Relation Officer of ECHA, and Bojan Pavlek, the First S…
On 18-19 May, REACH24H was invited by ACBC to present on their seminars- “China’s Import Regulations & Options for appointing representative…
On May 23-24, the 2017 Global Chemical and Material Compliance Seminar held by REACH24H Consulting Group was successfully concluded in Taipei. 130 ent…
Animal Feed and Additives Conference was successfully held in London on Dec7-8 2016. This conference reviewed EU, China and USA legislation, examine p…
The 18th “Hi China, Fi Asia” was successfully concluded in Shanghai Pudong New International Expo Center on June 23, 2016. This exhibition is the larg…
Australia Week in China (2016) was held on 11-15th April, 2016 in Shanghai. It was the largest business mission ever organized by Austrade, consisting…