CTI-REACH24H Develop Internationally Recognized Testing Services for Textiles and Footwear Products

Sep. 12th, 2012

Together with CTI, REACH24H enters into testing according to numerous standards across the world for textiles, footwear, garments, luggage and bags. With strong technical strength, CTI-REACH24H is committed to helping you satisfy regulatory requirements and the demands of the market, deliver your products to the market confidently!

CTI laboratories are recognized internationally with accreditations by CNAS, CMA, SPRING, NOM, UKAS, TSCP, AATCC and CPSC to name a few, and have the qualification to release independent and impartial data to the society. Currently CTI reports are widely accepted in 44 countries and districts, including USA, European Union, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and HK, etc.

Along with the deepening of cooperation between CTI and REACH24H, REACH24H consulting group starts to take full charge of textiles, footwear, luggage and bags testing services in global market.

As the first third-party testing and certification agency that successfully went public and the biggest private testing firm in China, we offer comprehensive quality services to enterprises in many industries fields, ensures quality and enables companies to sell their products to markets worldwide.


















◆  Tailor-made solutions, meet your specific requirements

◆  Competitive prices

Formaldehyde                  65€

AZO                               70€

PH Values                       25€

GB18401 package            160€

★ Join our Long-term cooperation plan, you can enjoy up to an extra 20% off or more.

◆ Leadership & Knowledge in technology capabilities, assure you brilliant quality

◆  Powerful service network, save your time, resource and money

◆Authoritative and comprehensive qualifications, help you deliver your products to market confidently.

If you have any further questions, please contact us: customer@reach24h.com