China REACh Workshop, Brussels 2010

Nov. 05th, 2010

To allow debate on the practical issues arising from the new chemical legislations and to offer suggestions on preparing for compliance for various stakeholders, the REACH24h Group (China, Ireland) in partnership with Dr. KNOELL CONSULT, held the first European China New Chemical Substance Notification Workshop in Brussels on November 3rd 2010. Over a hundred industry and regulatory representatives from throughout Europe attended, including delegates from the following sectors: speciality and fine chemicals, electronics, metals, lubricants, automotive, coatings and adhesives, global cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. The presence of several European Commission (EC), CEFIC and US Mission to the EU representatives at the meeting emphasised the global importance of “China NCN”. Our workshop partners, Harlan Laboratories and media affiliates, ChemicalWatch also attended.

Mr. Jim Wei, Managing Director of REACH24H Consulting Group opened the meeting and introduced the keynote speaker, Mr. Liu Chunxin, Associate Professor, Chemical Registration Centre, Ministry of Environmental Protection (CRC-MEP) of the PRC who introduced the ‘Measures on the Environmental Management of New Chemical Substances’.  A comprehensive overview on the revised Measures was provided, including implementation, post-notification obligations and enforcement procedures. Mr. Chunxin also highlighted the importance of a new requirement – a qualified Chinese legal entity is required to fulfill the obligations of notification for foreign companies.

For more information please visit the workshop website: