Chemlinked Successfully Holds Workshop on Regulatory Requirements for Food Ingredients

Jul. 18th, 2018

Shanghai, 12 July 17, 2018. Chemlinked teamed up with Food Ingredients Asia-China, one of the largest and international recognized events in food ingredients, to hold a workshop of Regulatory Intelligence on Food Ingredients on Thursday, July 12th, 2018. The target was to offer an interpretation of the current requirements for food ingredients and food contact materials in the new regulatory landscape of China.

Following its latest and widely commented institutional reform, China decided to leave CFDA, AQSIQ, SAIC NHFPC and MOA behind, replacing them with new bodies. This provided for a series of interesting mergers and reshuffling of oversight and regulatory duties, which are expected to become fully operational along this year and into 2019.

Ms. Yilia Ye, Editor of Chemlinked Food, explained the general requirements of good ingredients used in common food, “there should be regulatory references for compliance use. For example, the food additives need to be listed in GB2760. Otherwise, new food ingredient registration will be required”.

Mr. Maxwell Heston, Business Development Specialist, REACH24H’s Food Division, delivered his interpretation on specialty food ingredients and their regulations explaining how ingredients are chosen and reviewed by the National Health Commission and State Administration of Market Regulation.

Ms. Lily Lee, Regulatory Affairs Specialist at REACH24H, addressed the compliance challenges with food contact materials in China, including the Declaration of Compliance (DOC), new substance registration and goods manufacturing practice (GMP).

The workshop witnessed a warm discussion on forefront regulation trends.

In the month of September, REACH24H will be hosting the 10th edition of CRAC, Chemical Regulatory Annual Conference. This great event, which has over the years achieved high level of recognition within the industry, will take place on Sep. 9 -12, 2018 in Chengdu, China. As in previous editions of CRAC, this Conference will once more feature four key industries, industrial chemicals, pesticides, food contact materials and consumer products.

For more information, please visit:

Besides, ChemLinked will be organizing another Food Regulatory Conference in Melbourne, Australia on 8th November, 2018. If you have interests interested in either sponsorship or joining, please kindly contact