REACH24H Hold 2013 US Seminar: Brought Hot Concerns for China Market Entry

Oct. 11th, 2013

Iselin, New Jersey, Oct 8, 2013 & Houston, Texas, Oct 10, 2013
With the core global market shifting into Asian region, especially  countries like China- the huge potential consumption market, REACH24H Consulting Group hosted the  Chinese Chemical Management Seminar 2013. The two seminars are driven to help US audiences get a better understanding of the measures in l China and Korea’s legislation and law enforcement to impose obligations on chemical manufactures, importers and downstream users. The seminars attracted nearly sixty US local companies, including some well-known fortune 500 chemical companies.

In the morning session, Jason Chan, focusing on the research of history and framework of chemical regulation and management in China and other Asian countries, introduced the whole structure of China chemical management and regulations in China. He explained the regulations that affect different stages in product life cycle of chemicals, including importation/production, storage, transportation and usage. He emphasized on the importance of the pre-market entry study before making the market strategies in Asian market and realizing the risks of violation of  local regulations.

Rita Qiu, a renowned expert in EU REACH and global GHS with 6 years of laboratory experience in chemical research,  presented the topic of China GHS compliance and hazardous chemical registration in China. She explained that under China GHS, the classification, SDS, label and emergency phone numbers were the key points of China GHS compliance.

US attendees are pleased to know such kind of important information. In  Houston Seminar, representative from Shell Chemical commented as follows, ” Very impressed on how the entire seminar was delivered by only three individuals, but it deserves to be noted that all three are very knowledgeable!” On the other hand, in the New Jersey Seminar, delegates from Johnson &Johnson said,” REACH24H all did a great job”.

In the afternoon session, Jason Chan and Rita Qiu respectively introduced the high concerned topic of China New Chemical Substance Notification and Korea-REACH. Attendees raised many related questions on the scene, about the details of laboratories testing items. Speakers and attendees set deep communications regarding  chemical regulations and the updates of official authorities enforcement.

Tommy Kong, as the leader of the China cosmetic regulations, introduced the new cosmetic ingredient notification in China and the solutions REACH24H can support. It is much important for US companies to understand the categories of cosmetics under China cosmetic regulations and make the pre-market approval.

Attendees are much satisfied with the seminars. The topics and issues also drew much attention by local medias and associations. The representative from ACC said, ” Excellent job of taking a complex issue and presents it in an easily understandable format.” The Sealed Air described the event as ” excellent materials put together! Very informative! Definitely worth the time and money!”

The seminars were successfully ended,and had brought much benefits and concerns for US companies, the events transmitted effective information to US companies, especially for the decision makers. Most of them stated that they would still keep eyes on  Asia regulations updates and reschedule the market strategies, take the regulation compliance into the key consideration.

About REACH24H
REACH24H is a China-based consulting firm, specializing in providing chemical regulatory consultancy, agency and technical support. Our main focus covers the major chemical regulations emerged all around the world, such as EU REACH, EU CLP, China NCSN, China GHS, etc. We aim at assisting chemical manufacturers, importers and downstream users to effectively meet the chemical regulatory obligations as well as removing chemical regulatory barriers to their business. In recent years, our services have expanded to a larger extent with cutting-edge IT solution provided and partnerships with globally famous regulatory services providers established, such as WERCS, ChemADVISOR, etc. Our comprehensive cooperation with law enforcement bodies such as the ECHA in EU and CRC-MEP in China, ensure our staying at the forefront of regulatory development, helping us seizing the key to the regulatory affairs and trend.
If you want to know more details about the event, please follow the contact as below:
REACH24H Consulting Group
+86 571 87007583