31 August 2012 12 new chemical substances registered through regular notification under China New Chemical Substance Notification (China REACH) will be soon approved if no dissenting opinion is raised during the period of 30 August to 3 September. According to the China MEP announcement on 30 August, two of the published substances have been registered through joint notification of the special regular notification submission.MEP releases the 2nd batch of Regular Notifications: 12 new substances registered through regular notification under China REACH will be approved soon.
August 31, 2012 China’s Ministry of Environmental Protection (China MEP) yesterday published two statistic diagrams for the registered new chemical substances between January and June, 2012. During the first half 2012, nine registrant companies now are formally granted the registration certificate for 13 substances, in the type of new substance Regular Notification, following a MEP demonstration announcement three months ago (see REACH24H news on May 30); and in total 1,474 substances are announced registered in the type of new substance Simplified Notification (SN).China MEP declares 1,474 substances registered in the type of Simplified Notification and 13 substances registered through Regular Notification during the first half 2012.
August 24, 2012 In the past month following China’s implementation of the revised hazardous chemicals (HC) registration decree (SAWS Order 53 of 2012), many a company registrant was wandering whether they could put a commissioned telephone number for the required emergency consulting obligation. Some received the NRCC reply that this special phone number should not be consigned to “unofficial” chemical research institutes or service agents as it used to be under the 2002 legislative version. Then, what entities are allowed to undertake the emergency consulting service for company registrants? What do the new rules say about it?Subtle changes made to the policy of emergency phone service for China’s new hazardous chemicals registration are making some registrants confused: How do I arrange my emergency phone service in view of China’s new hazardous chemicals registration?
August 23, 2012 The recently released “Measures for the Administration of Registration of Hazardous Chemicals” (SAWS Order 53) has just come into force in China on Aug 1st, 2012. Besides the attention-grabbing changes in the regulated scope (“Catalogue of hazardous chemicals in China”), legal entity (both manufacturers and importers are included for registration) and registration contents, SAWS will impose more severe punishment on those who do not comply with this newly released Measures.SAWS to Enforce More Severe Punishment for Non-Compliance of the Revised HC Registration Measures