[Free Webinar] REACH24H Asia Pacific Chemical Regulatory Webinar Series: GHS Implementation Progress in Asia Pacific Region

Dec. 10th, 2014


Increasingly for this past two decades Asia-Pacific region is becoming the world’s another economic center, transit hub and birthplace of numerous innovations, boisterous with incessant social and technological upheavals. To counter the risk of market irregularity under the context when lure of profit occasionally overrides self-discipline, strengthening regulatory system can be the leverage to steer industry sectors back onto the right path. Such vision is collectively recognized and fervently embraced by the nations of the region, which has bluntly resulted into a flurry of regulatory hurdles, rolling down a tapestry of puzzles amid compliance work while prodding regulatory experts to contemplate more responsive solution package.

Chemical industry is where regulatory pressure spikes and GHS account for a majority of vexing doldrums. This webinar will skim over the GHS implementation progress in Asia-Pacific region to enable listeners to grasp the spotlights and is dappled with critical insights elicited from our expert’s years’ speculation. On the other hand, it serves as inaugural episode for a whole new series of webinar literally focus on chemical regulatory affairs in every individual country in Asia-Pacific region, which expects representatives from relevant authorities to join us as honored speakers from the beginning of 2015. The webinar is part of a bigger scheme of REACH24H, which aims to stave off pervasive multi-linguistic dilemma in SDS authoring and propagate compliance awareness by laying out a fusion of solutions towards all major regulatory obstacles in AP region—the ultimate solution, we believe, can considerably reduce your cost and significantly enhance your performance.

Date & Time

10 Dec 2014 (Wednesday) 10PM-11PM (GMT +8 Beijing)

  • 3PM-4PM (GMT +1 Brussels/Paris)
  • 2PM-3PM (GMT Dublin/London)
  • 9AM- 10AM (GMT -5 Eastern Time US and Canada)
  • 8AM- 9AM (GMT -6 Central Time US and Canada)



How to Register?



  • GHS Implementation Process in Asia-Pacific Region: China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and Singapore;
  • Introduction & Organization Structure of REACH24H Consulting Group;
  • REACH24H’s One Stop Solutions to Asia-Pacific Chemical Regulatory Service.


Jerry Yan

Research Analyst & Project Manager

REACH24H Consulting Group

Jerry leads several independent projects now, including GHS service in a worldwide scale, TRA certification service, Transportation of Dangerous goods etc. With the previous experiences in handling hundreds of GHS-related regulatory projects, his focus in GHS would now be diverted to a periodical research on GHS regulatory compliance strategy in order to provide customers essential clues to solve practical case.

Contact Us

If you have any further questions, please contact us: customer@reach24h.com


REACH24H Consulting Group is a consulting company specialized in providing chemical regulatory consultancy and technical solution for chemical industries around the world. We have a team of more than 130 people serving more than 4000 clients from every continent. Our global locations in China, Ireland and USA ensure our timely response to customers’ needs. Founded in 2009, REACH24H is dedicated to developing cost-effective and efficient compliance projects for enterprises facing the major chemical regulatory barriers worldwide, including: EU REACH, EU CLP, Global GHS, China NCSN, China pesticide, China Cosmetics, US TSCA, Japan CSCL, Korea-REACH, etc. REACH24H collaborates with clients to help them better recognize and understand their chemical regulatory obligations before entering into a foreign market. Our extensive cooperation with governments and industry associations keep us at the forefront of the latest chemical regulatory trends.