【Seminar in Germany 2017】Classification, Management and Transport of Hazardous Materials in China

Dec. 7th, 2017

Willi Weßelowscky, Sunny Wang



This one-day seminar promises an overview of the classification, management and transport of hazardous materials in China, and will feature a multitude of practically useful hazardous chemicals compliance advice. Participants will be provided with a detailed explanation of major hazardous chemical regulations, including China GHS, dangerous goods management and hazardous chemicals registration, etc.

Who Shall Attend?

• Director/Manager in EHS department

• Director/Manager involved in the supply chain

• Lawyers concerned about the hazardous chemical regulatory compliance

• Decision makers who seek marketing opportunities in Chinese chemical market

• Experts who pay close attention to chemical regulations in China





10:00- 10:45

Introduction: Dangerous goods – The European shipper´s view on the Chinese market

Mr. Willi Weßelowscky

10:45- 11:45

The shipment of hazardous materials from Europe to China – Requirements of the Chinese Hazard materials/Dangerous Goods Management (with case study)

Ms. Sunny Wang


Q & A and Discussion


Lunch break


Less danger, but a lot of packages – The Chineses regulations for the transport of “Limited Quantity” and “Excepted Quantity” (with case study)

Ms. Rita Qiu



The main differences and similarities of the EU-CLP- and China GHS regulations (with case study)

Mr. Jun Chen

Coffee break


Key points for Hazardous chemical-physical hazard identification management in China (with case study)

Mr. Liangyun Zhai


Mr. Willi Weßelowscky


Mr. Willi Wesselowscky has been working as a consultant at UMCO GmbH since 2001 and as head of team of the UMCO Dangerous Goods Consultants since 2006, engaged in senior consulting for transport and storage of dangerous goods and hazard plant safety. He has served as EU Dangerous Goods Adviser, Adviser on national German regulations for the handling of explosives and radioactive materials, Hazardous Plant Safety Officer on basis of national German and EU regulations, Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO) on basis of the ISPS-Code and Trainer for IATA-DGR for shippers and packers. He has also been a speaker concerning the transport and storage of dangerous goods at national and international meetings and conferences.

Ms. Sunny Wang  

Senior Regulatory Expert from Global GHS Department

REACH24H Consulting Group

Mrs. Wang is extremely experienced in classification and labeling (C&L) and compiling safety data sheets (SDS) in compliance with the requirements of China GHS. She regularly runs training programs on China GHS and hazardous chemical regulations for the international companies such as Würth Group, Vaillant GmbH, Coloplast A/S, Cardolite Corporation. Currently her focus is on hazardous chemical regulations in China, mainly the Regulations on the Control over Safety of Hazardous Chemicals” (Decree 591).

Ms. Rita Qiu    Deputy General Manager & Manager of Industrial Chemical Division

REACH24H Consulting Group

As a Zhejiang University MSc graduate and a chemical regulations senior consultant, Ms. Qiu has many years of experience in the research of technological barriers to trade. She has gathered extensive experience in Chinese and Europe chemical regulation compliance practices and is professional in helping international companies with their requirements about solving global chemical regulatory affairs and providing detailed solutions.

Mr. Jun Chen    Senior Engineer of Chemical Registration Center

State Administration of Work Safety

Mr. Chen’s responsible for review work for China hazardous chemical registration and he is also responsible for regulation study for hazardous chemical and catalogue of hazardous chemical and its implementation guidance maintenance.

Mr. Liangyun Zhai    Head of Chemical Registration Center

State Administration of Work Safety

Mr. Zhai’s responsible for management of China hazardous chemical registration as well as study work for hazardous chemical related policy and regulations in China.

Registration Details

Seminar 1

Date: December 06, 2017 (Wednesday)

Location: UMCO GmbH, Gerog-Wilhelm-Straße 187, 21107 Hamburg, Germany

Language: English

Registration Fee: €595+VAT

Register now!

Seminar 2

Date: December 08, 2017 (Friday)

Location: Best Western Hotel Köln, Bennoplatz 2, 51103 Köln, Germany

Language: English

Registration Fee: €595+VAT

Register now!

Contact Us

REACH24H | Marketing & Brand Dept.

Email: customer@reach24h.com


REACH24H is an internationally renowned technological services company with the headquarter in Hangzhou, China and branches in Ireland, the United States, and Taiwan. The company has a number of internationally certified toxicologists, specialized safety appraisers, and risk assessment experts. By creating a 24-hour global consulting service network and a technical experts team, REACH24H provides one-stop international market entrance services. Our services cover a broad range of industries such as industrial chemicals, agrochemicals, cosmetics, food and food contact materials, and consumer products. Service content includes product notification and registration, regulatory information, news and compliance warning, training seminars and open courses, as well as Internet-based supply chain management software.

“Value in Compliance” is REACH24H’s mission statement. Founded in 2009, REACH24H has provided technical supports for governments, associations and social organizations, served over 6,000 well-known companies and completed tens of thousands of projects from product notification, registration to consulting. To remove trade barriers and promote global trade integration, REACH24H has offered outstanding technical services. REACH24H is continually abided by a healthy, green, and sustainable development philosophy by adhering strictly to compliance service. Through assisting companies in carrying out risk assessments in advance, we can provide the most effective solutions and the most reliable support to our clients and vanguard people’s safety and well-being.

UMCO has been offering compliance solutions for the distribution and handling of chemicals all over the world for the last 35 years. Their customers benefit from a complete advising service for substances, plants, organization and transport of the highest quality. 70 employees in Hamburg, Cologne and Rottweil in Germany look after 1,000 enterprises in the chemicals, pharmaceuticals, logistics and processing industries. UMCOs service portfolio includes product and chemicals management, reach and biocides as well as safety health environment, dangerous goods advice, a 24-hour-emergency-number and trainings/seminars. The team of inter-disciplinarily-active engineers, scientists and lawyers are ready to support their customers in order to perfectly implement the projects together. How? With excellently trained employees and comprehensive substance knowledge which UMCO use in all the appropriate fields according to the motto: gathered once for multiple benefits.