U.S. FDA Rolls Out Enhanced Features in Cosmetics Direct for Better Product Management

Aug. 09th, 2024

The new features in Cosmetics Direct allow for the discontinuation and relisting of cosmetic product listings.

On July 29, 2024, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced the addition of two new features to Cosmetics Direct, the electronic submission portal for cosmetic facility registration and product listing under the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022 (MoCRA). These updates aim to provide responsible persons – manufacturers, packers, or distributors whose names appear on the product label – with more flexibility in managing their registration and listing information.

The new features added to Cosmetics Direct are:

  • Discontinuation of Cosmetic Product Listing: This feature enables responsible persons to mark cosmetic products that are no longer on the market as discontinued. Unlike deleting, discontinuation still keeps the product information in the system, allowing for easy relisting if the product is reintroduced in the future.
  • Relisting of Discontinued Products: This feature enables responsible persons to bring previously discontinued products back to the market, simplifying the process of reintroducing them.

To assist users in navigating these new functions, the FDA has updated the User’s Guide to Cosmetics Direct, which provides comprehensive instructions and is available on the FDA’s website.

Reference Links

[1]FDA Announces Registration and Listing Updates: The Release of New Discontinuation/Relisting Features in Cosmetics Direct

News Source: ChemLinked

The news is reprinted from ChemLinked. Click to see the original source.

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