China’s Taiwan Region to Allow Online Application for TCSI Inclusion

Oct. 08th, 2022

The new chemical registration system in China’s Taiwan Region has been implemented since the end of 2014. There is increased demand from the industry for listing qualified new chemical substances in Taiwan’s existing chemical substance inventory (TCSI). As planned, a new function has been incorporated into the Chemical Substances Register 2.0 to enable online application for TCSI inclusion since October 3, 2022.

The TCSI inclusion procedures apply to:

  • new chemical substances that finished standard registration with hazard and exposure assessment report submitted
  • new polymers of low concern registration (PLCs) that finished small quantity registration

At present, an email or a formal letter specifying the registration details (registration date, registration type, registration No., etc.) and the reason for the inclusion of qualified new chemical substances into TCSI should be delivered to the authority. The authority will verify the case and reply with the official decision on whether to add the substance into TCSI.

The online application will streamline the inclusion procedures. It may take 14 working days for the authority to review the applications.

For a new chemical substance listed in the TCSI, a capital letter “E” will be added to its original registration number (e.g., EPNA0AXXXXXX58→EPNA0AXXXXXX58E). There is no need to apply for phase 1 existing chemical registration.

[Read more at Chemlinked]

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding TCCSCA/OSHA in China’s Taiwan Region, please feel free to contact us.

Tel: +86-571-87007555


News Source: ChemLinked

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