ECHA Consults on 3 Chemicals for Harmonised Classification and Labelling Under EU CLP

Jul. 20th, 2022

On July 4, 2022, European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) announced a public consultation on the following proposals for harmonised classification and labelling (CLH). All three chemicals are registered under EU REACH. The deadline for commenting is September 2, 2022.

Name EC Number CAS Number Hazard classes open for commenting Start of consultation Deadline for commenting
2,3-epoxypropyl isopropyl ether 223-672-9 4016-14-2 Reproductive toxicity 04/07/2022 02/09/2022
Barium chromate 233-660-5 10294-40-3 Carcinogenicity
Germ cell mutagenicity
Reproductive toxicity
04/07/2022 02/09/2022
Trimethyl phosphate 208-144-8 512-56-1 Carcinogenicity
Germ cell mutagenicity
Reproductive toxicity
Acute Toxicity – dermal
Acute Toxicity – oral
Specific target organ toxicity – repeated exposure
04/07/2022 02/09/2022

What is Harmonised Classification and Labelling (CLH)?

Manufacturers, importers or downstream users have to (self)classify and label hazardous substances and mixtures to ensure a high level of protection of human health and the environment.

For hazards of highest concern (carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, reproductive toxicity (CMR) and respiratory sensitisers) and for other substances on a case-by-case basis, classification and labelling should be harmonised throughout the EU to ensure an adequate risk management. This is done through harmonised classification and labelling (CLH).

Harmonised classifications are listed in Annex VI to the EU CLP Regulation and should be applied by all manufacturers, importers or downstream users of such substances and of mixtures containing such substances.

What Should Companies Do?

Companies with an interest in the proposals are strongly encouraged to share any relevant information. Scientific and technical information should be submitted directly to ECHA using their commenting webform by 2 September 2022. Comments will be published on ECHA’s website.

Reference Links

Consultation on the ECHA website

Harmonised Classification and Labelling (CLH)

Contact Us

If you have any questions about EU CLP or EU REACH, please feel free to contact us.

Tel: +86 (0)571-87007555
