Chemical Regulatory Updates in Asia-Pacific Region | March 2022

Apr. 11th, 2022

Chinese Mainland

China Cancels Filing of Imported Coatings, Custom Inspection Still Required (March 1, 2022)

On March 1, 2022, China’s General Administration of Customs (GAC) issued Order No. 257, announcing the repeal of several regulations including the Measures for the supervision and administration of inspection of imported coatings. The Order was effective immediately. (CL news)


China MEE Adds 18 Substances into IECSC (March 3, 2022)

On March 3, 2022, the Chinese Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) published a notice, announcing the addition of 18 substances into the Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances (IECSC). These substances were previously registered under the Measures on Environmental Management of New Chemical Substances (MEP Order No. 7 of 2010), and now are qualified for listing into the IECSC as existing chemical substances in China. (Read More)


China Consults on RoHS Related Standard on Determination of Seven Phthalates (March 3, 2022)

On March 3, 2022, the China Electronics Standardization Institute issued the RoHS-related standard “Determination of Seven Phthalates in Electrical and Electronic Products: High Performance Liquid Chromatography (Draft)” to publicly solicit comments. The public consultation will end on April 8, 2022. (CL news)


China Consults on Chemicals Proposed for Listing under the Stockholm Convention (March 5, 2022)

On March 5, 2022, China issued a notice to publicly solicit comments on the proposed amendment to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) for PFHxS, its salts and PFHxS-related compounds. The deadline for comments is March 25, 2022. (CL news)


China Consults to Formulate and Revise 172 Recommended National Standards (March 7, 2022)

Published on March 7, 2022, the Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China consulted on the formulation and revision plan for 172 recommended national standards for public comment. The deadline for comments is March 21, 2022. (CL news)


China to Add Four Types of Phthalates as Restricted Substances under RoHS Control (March 14, 2022)

On March 14, 2022, the Working Group of Electrical and Electronic Products Pollution Prevention Standards, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology held an online meeting, announcing to add four types of phthalates as restricted substances under the Measures for the Administration of the Restricted Use of the Hazardous Substances Contained in Electrical and Electronic Products (China RoHS 2). (CL news)


China Issues 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) for Safe Production of Hazardous Chemicals (March 21, 2022)

On March 21, 2022, the Chinese Ministry of Emergency Management (MEM) issued the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) for Safe Production of Hazardous Chemicals , with the focus on accurately controlling the safety risks of hazardous chemicals in eight key industries, including chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, oil and gas industry, firework industry, etc. (Read More)


Taiwan, China

Taiwan to Shut Down IT Platform of Chemical Commodity Importation Pre-confirmation from March 11 (March 4, 2022)

On March 4, 2022, Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) published a notice to remind stakeholders that the IT Platform of Chemical Commodity Importation Pre-confirmation (CCIP platform) will be shut down on March 11, 2022. The imported commodity will not be required for self-declaration after that. Stakeholders who are in need of data retention on the CCIP IT platform shall complete the corresponding backup before it is closed. (CL news)


Taiwan EPA to Prohibit Chlorpyrifosmethyl and Chlorpyrifos for Environmental Agent (March 4, 2022)

On March 4, 2022, Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) issued the amendments to the Prohibited Substances for Environmental Agents and Inspection Methods. According to the amendments, “chlorpyrifosmethyl” and “chlorpyrifos” have been designated as “prohibited substances for environmental agents”, they will be prohibited in the manufacture, processing, and import of environmental agents. (Read more)



Japan Adds 234 Substances for Mandatory SDS and Labeling Requirements under ISHL (March 2, 2022)

On February 24, 2022, Japan Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) officially added 234 substances to Schedule 9 of the Enforcement Order of ISHL, with corresponding content thresholds for providing SDS and labels in Schedule 2 of Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health. It will be implemented on April 1, 2024. A one-year buffer period will be granted until March 31, 2025. (CL news)


South Korea

South Korea Consults on Updates of Quantity Limits for Hazardous Chemicals that Require Submitting Chemical Accident Prevention Management Plan (March 14, 2022)

Published on March 14, 2022, by MoE Notice No. 2022-147, South Korea’s Ministry of Environment (MoE) consulted on the amendments to the Regulation on the Stipulated Quantities for Toxic Substances, Restricted Substances, Prohibited Chemical Substances, and Substances subject to Authorization. Five toxic substances and one restricted substance that were designated in December 2021 will be provided with upper and lower handling quantities for submitting chemical accident prevention management plan. (CL news)


South Korea Simplifies Data Requirements under K-REACH (March 15, 2022)

On March 15, 2022, the South Korean Ministry of Environment (MoE) issued an announcement to bring forward the implementation of some rules that were proposed in the amendments to K-REACH Enforcement Rules. South Korea simplified data requirements for registration and exemption confirmation under K-REACH with certain conditions. (CL news)


South Korea Proposes a Brand-New Regulation on the Designation of Substances Subject to Authorization under K-REACH

A new Article 34(2) was proposed to be added into the K-REACH Enforcement Rules on February 18, 2022 by MoE Announcement No. 2022-90 to clarify the criteria for the designation of candidate substances subject to authorization. In line with the Article 34(2), the MoE notified WTO on February 18, 2022 the draft Regulation on Designation, etc. of Substances subject to Authorization (hereinafter referred to as Regulation) and then issued it on February 22, 2022 by the MoE Announcement No. 2022-91 for public comments. (CL news)


K-BPR: New Requirement for the Packaging and Advertising of Household Chemical Products and Biocidal Products

On February 10, 2022, the South Korean Ministry of Environment (MoE) issued the MoE Ordinance No.972 to announce amendments to the Enforcement Rules of the Act on Safety Management of Household Chemical Products and Biocides. A new requirement was added, stipulating that the corresponding report/approval number of the household chemical products or the approval number of the biocidal products is also required for the packaging or advertising to verify compliance with the safety standards. This new requirement will take into effect on August 11, 2022. (Read More)



Australia Adds 8 Substances into Australian Inventory of Industrial Chemicals (March 4, 2022)

On March 4, 2022, Australia made public a notice to announce the addition of 8 chemicals to the Australia Inventory of Industrial Chemicals (AIIC). According to Section 82 of the Industrial Chemical Act 2019, these 8 chemicals were added into AIIC because 5 years have passed since the assessment certificates were issued. (CL news)


Australia Restricts the Import and Export of Mercury for Industrial Use (March 7, 2022)

To be in line with the Minamata Convention of Mercury, the authority proposed on August 27, 2021 to tighten the regulation on mercury by amending the Industrial Chemicals (General) Rules 2019. On March 7, 2022, the proposal was adopted, and new rules were announced for the import/export of mercury in Australia with immediate effect. (CL news)


Inventory Download: Australia Publishes Inventory of Industrial Chemicals (AIIC) (March 10, 2022)

On March 10, 2022, Australia made public a downloadable spreadsheet of the Australian Inventory of Industrial Chemicals (AIIC) by demand from the industry. It contains about 40,000 industrial chemicals listed on AIIC as of February 10, 2022. It will be regularly updated, and the next version may be available later this year. (CL news)



Thailand DIW Consults on Criteria for Hazard Properties for Annex 5.6 Hazardous Substances and Mixtures (March 4, 2022)

On March 4, 2022, Thailand’s Department of Industrial Works (DIW) announced to solicit public comments on the draft Notification of the Department of Industrial Works Re: Criteria for the Consideration of Hazard Properties under the Annex 5.6 of the List of Hazardous Substances Responsible for the Department of Industrial Works, which was drafted according to the Notification on the List of Hazardous Substances (No. 2) B.E. 2558 (2015) and the Hazardous Substance Act B.E. 2535 (1992). The consultation will end on March 25, 2022. Once approved, this regulation will come into force ninety days from the date of its publication on the Government Gazette. (CL news)



Long-awaited India REACH to be Released in Months

According to insider sources, India’s Chemicals (Management & Safety) Rules (CMSR), which is dubbed “India REACH” will be notified to the WTO in May or June and took effect in August this year. The CMSR now turns into a highly prioritized legislation task. Several discussions are going on to speed up its legislation this year. In addition, the IT system for dossier preparation and submission is under development, which is similar to IUCLID under EU REACH. (Read More)


India Consults on National Standard for Terephthalic Acid

Published on February 23, 2022, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is consulting on a draft Indian Standard (IS) for terephthalic acid. The deadline for comments is March 19, 2022. This standard prescribes requirements, methods of sampling and test for terephthalic acid. (CL news)


India Delays Implementation of Quality Control Orders for Six Substances (March 11, 2022)

On March 11, 2022, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) published a circular to delay the implementation of mandatory quality control orders (QCOs) for six substances. These substances, which were supposed to be implemented this month, will become effective on September 11, 2022. (CL news)



Vietnam Implements New ODSs Regulations under Decree No. 06/2022/ND-CP of LEP

On January 7, 2022, the Government of Vietnam published Decree No. 06/2022/ND-CP Regulations on Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Protection of the Ozone Layer, detailing provisions of the Law on Environmental Protection 2020. On the same day, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) published Circular No. 01/2022/TT-BTNMT Detailing the Implementation of A Number of Articles of the Law on Environmental Protection in Response to Climate Change, which provides the list of controlled ozone-depleting substances and guidance for their management. Both of them took effect immediately. (CL news)


New Zealand

New Zealand’s Environment Committee Makes Recommendations on Amendments to HSNO Bill (March 14, 2022)

On March 14, 2022, the New Zealand’s Environment Committee published a report of the recommendations on the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (Hazardous Substances Assessment) Amendments Bill. New clauses are recommended to be added to the HSNO Bill. (CL news)


The Philippines

The Philippines Extends Registration Deadline for HUHS Products

On January 21, 2022, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the Philippines published FDA Circular (2021-011A), extending the registration deadline for Household/Urban Hazardous Substances Products (HUHS products) to December 31, 2023. The Circular took effect on February 5, 2022. This was the second time the FDA extended the registration deadline due to COVID-19. The first extension period was due on December 31, 2021. (CL news)