CRC Issued the 2012 Annual Report Template under China NCSN

Jan. 09th, 2013

According to  Article 36 of the Measures for the Environmental Management of New Chemical Substances(MEP Order 7), companies that have acquired the registration certificate of China New Chemical Substance Notification have the obligation to submit annual report to the CRC-MEP for the registered substances before 1st February every year.

Apart from a new requirement for a summary of the information of all the registration certificates acquired, the newly issued annual report template contains three forms:

  • Form1 Information of Registration Certificate without Practical Activities
  • Form2 Information of Simplified Notification with Practical Activities
  • Form3 Information of Regular Notification with Practical Activities

Annual Report for Simplified Notification:

Compared with the 2011 annual report template for simplified notification, the new version only requires the total amount imported and the number of imports of the whole year rather than the detailed information of every import. The following information is required for simplified notification according to the Form 2 of the template:

  1. The information of the registration certificate
  2. The practical production or import activities
  3. Other additional information

As for the practical production or import activities, information such as the total amount manufactured or imported, number of actual manufacturing days, number of imports, port of import, amount and times transferred after import or manufacture, the details of the primary company upon receipt of the transfer, etc. should be submitted.

Annual Report for Hazardous New Chemical Substances (Hazardous New Chemical Substances of Priority Environmental Concern included):

Registration certificate holders of hazardous new chemical substances (hazardous new chemical substances of priority environmental concern included) shall also submit the annual report for the previous year to the CRC-MEP. According to the Form 3, the annual report should at least contain the following information:

  1. The information of the registration certificate;
  2. The practical production or import activities;
  3. The environmental exposure and emission of new chemical substances;
  4. The substances’ practical effects on the environment and human health;
  5. The practical implementation of risk control measures;
  6. Other relevant environmental risk information.

Additionally, the registration certificate holders of the hazardous new chemical substances of priority environmental concern should submit the production or import plan for the next year and the preparation for implementing the risk management measures.

Although no practical production or import of the new chemical substance is carried out in the previous year, the certificate holder should comply with the reporting obligation to fill in the Form 1 of the template. The Form 1 is applicable to both the simplified notification and the regular notification and only requires simple information such as the certificate No. and the name of the notifier.

Please be noted this article is originated from the Chemlinked, for more information, please visit