China Generates List of Substitutes to Toxic and Hazardous Substances

Nov. 21st, 2012

On November, 13th, 2012, the China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) has started collecting public comments for the “Catalogue of Encouraged Substitutes to Toxic and Hazardous Raw Materials (2012)”.

Early this year, the MIIT has collected information from the provincial authorities to establish a national policy to substitute the existing hazardous substances. A wide range of materials, including heavy metals, POPs and PTS, the hyper toxics, corrosives, irritatives, radioactives (nuclear facilities and military facilities are exempt), which listed in the “List of Dangerous Goods (GB 12268)”, the “list of hazardous chemicals”, the “list of highly toxic chemicals” and the “Nation hazardous Waste Inventory”, are classified as toxic and hazardous materials in the catalogue. Those materials are therefore within the scope of the movement and encouraged to be replaced.

Please note if you want to read the full text please reference